The Three Muskateers

The Three Muskateers

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I was able to capture quite a few photos of these three the night I got to Theodore Roosevelt National Park and the next morning. This is one of my morning shots. I was taking pictures of them a bit earlier at Peaceful Valley. From there I took a little trail to the river and as I was about to head back to my car I saw these three fellas coming down the trail I was about to take. They paused at the trail end and looked down at me as if to say, "You again? You're in our spot." Or maybe those were just my thoughts. Honestly, I was a little nervous at first. You just never know what a wild animal will do. But they were more afraid of the noises my camera was making than I was of what they might do. I spent one glorious morning capturing pictures of these guys, as well as several bands of mustangs in another part of the park, courtesy a tip from one of the shop owners in town. 



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